2022 Sponsorship Encyclopedia
Why sponsor a Homewood Chamber event?
- Sponsors have the opportunity to meet the speaker, address the audience and attach your corporate identity to an event.
- Events give your company the publicity and brand recognition you need in a positive and receptive environment with the one-on-onemarketing aspects of the Homewood Chamber events and seminars.
- Sponsorship creates awareness for your services and products to potential clients and business professionals.
- Over 1,000 members and Homewood residents (including influential corporate leaders; mid-level managers; small business owners;entrepreneurs; young professionals; media personalities; educators and political figures) attended Homewood Chamber events last year.
Presenting Sponsor - $2,000 (one available)
The presenting sponsor will be given the center of the hall for a display and information center, an opportunity to speak at the podium and announce door prizes, company'slogo and name prominently displayed on the Chamber website banner, all printed materials,signage at the event and mentioned in all press releases, electronic media, and social media outlets.Ten tickets valued at $30 each are included.
Supporting Sponsors - $500
Our supporting sponsors will be listed on the posters, on the website, and on event signage. Six ticketsvalued at $30 each are included.
Golf Classic Sponsorships including a Team:
- Title Sponsor - $4,000 (only one available. Includes two teams)
- Platinum Sponsor - $3,000
- Silver Sponsor - $2,000
- First Responders Cup - $2,000
- Star Sponsorship - $1,000
- Team - $600
Additional Golf Classic Sponsorship Opportunities
Putting Contest Sponsor - $450 | Beverage Cart Sponsor - $350
Hole - $200 | Luncheon Sponsor $500 | Golf Ball Sponsor - $1500 | Golf Towel Sponsor - $1500
Monthly Membership Luncheons- $500
The Chamber's monthly membership luncheons are the premier networking opportunity inHomewood. Luncheon sponsors receive on table of eight and the opportunity to address attendeesfrom the podium for up to three minutes. Additionally, a marketing booth is available to highlight yourbusiness. Luncheon sponsors are included in all promotional emails, on the PowerPoint presentation during the luncheon, and on the chamber website.
Additional Luncheon Opportunity: Marketing Booth
$100 for Non-Profits / $200 for Businesses
Highlight your business at our monthly membership luncheons. Includes two tickets.
Business After Hours / Coffee & Contacts Both: $500 (or in-kind)
As a Business After Hours or morning Coffee and Contacts sponsor, your business will receive the option for speaking time, the option to host the event at your business, and your logo on promotional materials surrounding the event.
For more information about sponsorship or to reserve your sponsorship please email Meredith Drenen at director@homewoodchamber.org